Create a utility

Creating a utility is quite a simple and direct process. When you start, you'll find a wizard that guides you through each step. This wizard is designed to be user-friendly and includes detailed explanations of each stage of the process. These explanations are there to help you understand exactly what you need to do at every point. In this brief overview, we'll give you a quick walkthrough of the main steps involved. We'll cover the key actions you'll need to take and provide a clear understanding of how each part contributes to the creation of your utility. Our aim is to make sure that even if you're new to this, you'll find the process easy to follow and execute.

Target community

First, choose the collection or coin you want to create a utility for. Once you've set it up, all holders of that collection can immediately see the utility. It’s claimable by those who meet the requirements you set, allowing you to control its distribution effectively.

If you are the owner of a community or collection the utility will be created as an official utility

What type of utility

Start by selecting the type of utility you want to create. It can range from a discount code that becomes instantly available upon claiming, to exclusive access like whitelist spots. Choose what best fits your needs

Available utility types are:

Simple claim

No secret messages, no codes, just a simple claim.

Secret message

Let the user claim a secret message. Instant reveal if claimed as first come first serve. E.g. a discount code, a link etc


Non claimable utility, presented as a perk on the collection/community. Useful for showing off perks that your community have, could be for example static utilities offered by your collection to your community (only available for project owners)

Claim specific message

Let the user claim a non-generic secret message. Instant reveal if claimed as first come first serve. E.g. a discount code, a link etc

First come, first served or Raffle

Select the approach you'd like to use for claiming this utility by selecting an option from the available.

First come, first served

All claims are valid and processed in the order of claim. So if you have 10 spots, the first 10 people who claim are granted.


As it sounds, you choose the number of winners and the total number of spots that should be able to be claimed. When the selected time period has ended the creator manually raffles the winner(s) on the utility page.

What requirements should be fulfilled

Setting up specific requirements for your utility is a key step, especially if you want users to engage in certain actions before they can make a claim. This approach can be particularly effective for encouraging interaction and participation. For instance, you might require users to like a particular post on a social media platform like X, or perhaps join a specific Discord server. These prerequisites serve a dual purpose: they not only increase engagement with your platform or community but also ensure that those claiming the utility are genuinely interested and involved. By implementing such requirements, you can create a more active and committed user base, which can be beneficial for the overall growth and dynamism of your community or service.

Twitter like

Like a post on X, the user needs to have his/hers X-account connected to their profile, we will automatically verify that the post is liked on X via their APIs.

Twitter retweet

Retweet a post on X, the user needs to have his/hers X-account connected to their profile, we will automatically verify that the post is retweeted on X via their APIs.

Twitter follow

Follow a specific user on X, the user needs to have his/hers X-account connected to their profile, we will automatically verify that the post is liked on X via their APIs.


Setting up holding requirements is crucial if you want to enable only a certain group of users to be able to claim. It is possible to have multiple holding requirements enabling you to... If you want the user to hold x-amount of tokens in a specific collection to claim, choose the collection/token and fill in the amount of tokens required. If left blank we will just verify that the user is a holder.

It is possible to have multiple holding requirements and choosing to have all valid or any


Join a specific Discord server, the creator of the utility needs to have his/hers Discord account connected to Mundus and for enabling the user to join easier provide the invite link to the discord server in question. If you want the user to have a specific role in the server the Role id and role name needs to be provided.

Enable Discord developer mode

  • Open Discord

  • Go to the User Settings (usually the gear icon near your username in the bottom left).

  • In the left sidebar, click on Advanced.

  • Turn on Developer Mode.

Get the role id

  • Go to the server where the role exists

  • Click on any member's name who has the role you want to get the ID for

  • See roles section on the user card and hover over the role name

  • Right click on the role name and select "Copy ID"


A basic password protection of the claim, the user needs to know the password entered to be able to claim. This could be used for example if you have a riddle or treasurehunt and a limited set of prizes, then the first users who guess the password correctly will have their claims validated.

Claim type

If the utility you are creating have one or more holding requirements you have to select how the claim should be handled. Available options are token, wallet and user and they are all handled a bit differently so be sure to choose the right one for your case.


Claim a utility by a specific number of tokens. Note that this enables multiple claims by a user dependant on how many tokens they hold


Claim a utility once per wallet. Note that this restricts claims to only one claim per wallet


Claim a utility once per user. Note that this restricts claims to only one claim per user

Claim validation

If the utility you are creating have one or more holding requirements you need to pick a rule for checking them. You can use the "Consumed" method, where once a token is used for a claim, it can't be used again. Or, you can choose the "Last Claim Check" method, where if someone sells their token, their claim might might be invalidated if the new owner decides to claim the same utility (this could be used to prevent dumping of tokens after claiming)


This means that once a token has been used for a claim, the token is consumed and can not be used for claiming by another wallet. If rule is wallet, all tokens in that wallet will be consumed.

Last claimed

This means that if a user sells their token, the claim may be invalidated. (for example if they try to claim the utility and then try to flip the token before the utility has ended)

Spots available

Number of spots control how many claims can be made on this utility, if it's a raffle you also need to tell the system how many winners should be drawn. The system then draws x-amount of winners for the utility when it has ended.

Additional information about the user

If you want to collect information from a user that claims the utility, this could be for example the users email address or Discord username etc. It could also be a selector for t-shirt size, basically any other extra information needed for the utility to work. There are a few types of different inputs available for the claim.

Text (short)

Short information, used for example first name, last name, wallet address etc

Text area (longer texts)

Used for longer text information, lets say the user is required to write a poem or something.


Textfield allowing only numbers, could be used for example for shoe size or age.

Single choice select

Present the user with a list of predefined options, only one option selectable

Mutli choice select

Present the user with a list of predefined options, multiple options selectable

Please note!

The wallet address of the user who claims will automatically be collected.

Utility details

In this step, you'll input the essential details of the utility, such as its name, description, and relevant images. These details play a significant role as they are what will be displayed on the utility's dedicated page, providing the first impression to the user. Carefully crafting these elements is important for clear communication and effective presentation.

Start by choosing a name that is both descriptive and engaging, capturing the essence of what the utility offers. Next, write a detailed description. This is where you can fully explain the utility's purpose, benefits, and any instructions or information the user might need. The description field supports Markdown, allowing you to format the text for better readability and emphasis. This might include adding headers, lists, bold or italicized text, and more, making the information easier to navigate and understand.

Additionally, selecting the right image is vital. It should visually represent the utility and be appealing to the users. The image you choose could be a logo, a graphic, or any other visual that relates to the utility and enhances its presentation.

These compiled details on the utility page not only inform the user but also contribute to their decision-making process, making it essential to convey the value and function of the utility effectively.

Start and end date

Setting the start and end dates for your utility is simple and essential. For a raffle-type utility, an end date is necessary to determine the winner. For other utilities, you have the flexibility to choose any suitable dates. All dates will be displayed in your local timezone, making it easy for you and your users to track the utility’s availability.

Confirm and preview

Great job! Look at the preview and if everything checks out click on the confirm button and watch the magic happen.

Last updated