
By accessing your dashboard from the top menu you have a quick overview of your utilities from the collections / communities that you are subscribing to.

All of these menu options are pretty self explanatory but here goes.

Latest utilities

Will show all utilities from the communities / collections you are subscribing to in date order giving you a quick overview of what is available for you to claim and makes it easy for you to see if something new has happened since your last visit.


From here you can manage all your subscriptions, meaning what projects you want to follow / see utilities from. Each chain (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ethscriptions etc) will have it's own tab and below it the all collections / coins from your added wallets will show with a checkbox next to it. All you have to do to subscribe is simply mark the checkbox as active and press "save".


All claims that you have made with any of your wallets will be listed here together with a link to the utility and some dates of when you claimed and what tokens you used for claiming etc.

Raffles entered

This is basically the same as the Claims page, but filtered to only show raffles, to make it easier for you to follow up on the raffles you have entered etc.

Raffles won

Only listing the raffles you have won, Good luck!

Created utilities

On this page you will find all utilities that you have created, to make it easier for you to find them if you need to make adjustments or if you simply want to check up on the number of claims, or randomize the winner for a raffle.

Last updated