First glance

When first connecting your wallet to Mundus, you will only see utilities that are featured or sponsored on the startpage. By default your main wallet will be the one you login with the first time (you can add multiple wallets to your profile later, see Settings)

In order to tailor your experience to your actual holdings and the communities you are interested in following you have to 'subscribe' to the collections in question. This is to prevent bloating the site with the crazy amount of rugged projects probably residing in your wallet.

This can be done on your Dashboard page by simply clicking on your profile picture in the top left menu and selecting "Dashboard"

Don't hide your true persona

To make the experience friendlier for all, please take the time to add a username and a short description and don't forget to upload a profile picture from your favorite project to represent you. (Profile picture is displayed in claims, your communities and if you create some utilities)

Last updated