
The collection page provides basic details about the collection, such as the number of tokens, creation date, and the network it's on (like Ethereum or Bitcoin). It also has links to the collection's website, Twitter, Discord, and other social platforms, along with the collection's contract address. The page tracks the collection's history, including its creation date and when it joined Mundus, as well as when new utilities are added.

There's a separate "Utilities" section that shows all utilities available to the collection's holders or subscribers. In the top right corner, users can choose to subscribe to or unsubscribe from the collection. To create a utility for this collection, just click the "Create utility" button.

If the user is an administrator or using the collection's official wallet, they have the option to edit the collection's information.

What collections are available in Mundus?

All collections should be visible in Mundus, as long as atleast one user of Mundus is a holder of the collection or is subscribing to it. Collection pages will have an url that looks like this: https://mundusapp.xys/collections/{name}

If you can't find a collection you are looking for, make sure you are subscribing to it in your Settings and try searching for the collection again.

Last updated